Maternity Care

Extensive, initial first visit in your home to evaluate your candidacy for home birth and provide you with the opportunity to ask any needed questions and reassure our compatibility.


Prenatal Visits at my office in Hudson

Visits every month through 28 weeks, every two weeks from 28 through 36 weeks and once a week from 36 weeks until birth (or more or less frequently as needed.)


Birth Attendance

Arriving at your home when the mother feels she wants me there.


Postpartum Care Following Birth

Continued care immediately postpartum and two hours from stable (mom up and feeling well and baby nursing well)


-Exam of mother and full exam of baby


- Available by phone 24/7


- Second day postpartum home visit


- Third day postpartum visit if needed


- One week postpartum home visit


- Postpartum phone consultations and visits thereafter as needed.


- Final six week postpartum visit.


GYN Services


Annual exam, full head-to-toe physical and lab work as needed, including pap smear and breast exam.


-Contraception (all methods, including fertility awareness.) 


- STD  (sexually transmitted disease) screening, counseling.


- Sexual health counseling and healing.


-Incest and rape counseling.


- Domestic Violence screening, counseling and resources for creating safety.


-In home gentle, non-traumatic pelvic examines (great for first timers.)



Initial in Home Visit

Head-to-toe exam, including all appropriate lab

work as needed (no time limit.)



Complete Maternity Care

Including all pre-natal visits, birth and postpartum care

(includes one week post partum visit and six week

postpartum visit)

$4,000 – $7,000 (sliding scale)


GYN care (in home, per visit)



If you have health insurance (depending on your policy) 

most companies will pre-approve payment for midwifery services

and home birth.



Services and Costs

Art and logo design created by Durga Bernhard

'Beginning Prayer'  Durga Bernhard







Jennifer Houston




Midwifery Services